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Work visit @ University of Bergen, Norway 21 - 22.02.2017

The main purpose of the visit was to establish future training/ research activities within NoRoTech. Professor Kamal Mustafa - our partner from the University of Bergen - was our host.

During the visit we had the opportunity to visit the facilities of the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. We visited both the teaching laboratories - where we have met master students and we talk about their projects - and the study and leisure facilities, such as the library, study and meeting rooms and the canteen.

The visit continued at the Department of Clinical Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the Tissue Engineering Research Group facilities. We visited the research laboratories and learned about their current work. Professor Mustafa, the Leader of the Group introduced us to his team. We also had a meeting where the members of the team talked about their ongoing research studies.

The meeting offered the perfect frame work for establishing the details of future collaborations. Scientifically details regarding both the type of materials to be used and the adequate methods of investigation were established. In addition, the meeting aimed the selection of the bachelors/ students that would participate at the training visits.

In the second day of our stay in Bergen we visited the Haukeland University Hospital, the Pathology Department and the Biomaterials Department, both the research facilities and the clinical ones, and learned about the tests that they perform.

In addition to research related aspects, we also had the opportunity of learning about the efficient management and administrative issues implemented in order to sustain a high level of academic research.

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