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Selected bachelor/ master students

Following our announcement regarding the selection of three bachelor/ students for training visits at the University of Bergen, Norway, we have received 15 applications. Since their resumes were impressive and all applicants seemed enthusiastic about participating at the project, they were invited for a short interview.

The interview was held at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, on the 9th of February. The applicants talked about their previous experience relevant to the envisaged training and about their future plans, and made a good impression on the commission.

As a result, the following applicants were selected for the training visits:

1. CURTI Filis for the (Bio)fabrication techniques

2. CHIRCOV Cristina for the Investigation of the cellular behavior

3. OLARET Elena for Non-destructive (bio)mechanical characterization

We would like to thank all applicants for their interest in NoRoTech and wish them good luck in all their future activities. Also, we would like to mention that we are open to collaborations within our laboratory at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.

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