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Three bachelor/master student positions

We are looking for three bachelor/master students from the Faculty of Medical Engineering to join experienced researchers from the Advanced Polymer Materials Group in three different training visits at the University of Bergen, Norway. The project "Technologies for the fabrication and characterization of 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering – NoRoTech" includes three training visits, all aiming at gaining new knowledge regarding the fabrication and characterization of 3D printed scaffolds:

1. (Bio)fabrication techniques - The training will be held within the facilities of the Biomaterials Research Group, Department of Clinical Dentistry at the University of Bergen (20 - 24.02.2017)

2. Investigation of the cellular behavior - The training will be held within the facilities of the Tissue Engineering Research Group, Department of Clinical Dentistry at the University of Bergen (13 - 17.03.2017)

3. Non-destructive (bio)mechanical characterization - The training will be held within the facilities of the Department of Clinical Dentistry at the University of Bergen (24 - 28.04.2017)

Those of you who are interested in applying can do so by sending their resume and letter of intent to or by 07.02.2017. The selected applicants will be notified via e-mail until 10.02.2017.

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